Sonora Review - this year’s nonfiction contest winner
“And when you think of someone who liked to make you helpless, who wanted to rust you shut, say: that part of the story is over.
That part of the story is over, and the pendulum starts swinging. That part of the story is over, and someone gets buried in sand. That part of the story is over, and the line gets cut, and you did it. You did it yourself with the scissors. You did it yourself, your two hands.
And when you think of someone who liked to keep you small, remember they will now have to watch you grow huge. And now you are out of reach. And now you’ve rewired the circuitry. And now, they cannot touch you.”
The rest of this essay, which was named this year's nonfiction contest prizewinner at Sonora Review, is posted here. I am overjoyed to be able to share it with you. Just a note that this essay contains abuse-related content, but is mostly a reminder that it is possible to reclaim yourself from anyone who has sought to make you smaller. Thank you to the staff of the Sonora Review, and to Lacy M. Johnson whose kind words about this writing have warmed me straight through.